Thought of the day

Happiness Most Delicious

mmm - happiness
Roast beef and honey roast parsnips
Sunday lunch at one
Chocolate drizzled profiteroles
mmm - what scrumtious fun

mmm - happiness
Sizzling barbecue flame-grilled
Outdoor summer dining
Strawberries draped in clotted cream
mmm - sets tastebuds a-pining

Pauline Oliver

Happiness is a never ending road with many obstacles. When you overcome them your are step by step on the right track to never ending happiness.

About Me

My photo
I am a 28 year old German girl who is studying Hotel- Management in America, Colorado.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

This passage of the book I am reading right now made me think and I like it more as more as I read and understand it. Here it is:

Whatever increases, decreases, limits or extends the body's power of action, increases decreases, limits or extends the mind's power of action. And whatever increases, decreases limits, or extends the mind's power of action, also increases, decreases, limits, or extends the body's power of action.
 -Spinoza (1632-1677)-

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Life a happy and exciting life. Life is more than we think. We are able to create a happy and prosperous life. Believe in yourself and live every day to its extend. There are infinite possibilities which wil make your day a happy and successful day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Happy New Year to everyone.
I started a new job and was busy with the whole transaction of full time work, school and volunteer work.
Hope everyone is doing great.
I am with a non profit organization which is called "Action for Amyloidosis".
Three of the members including the president and vice president of the group are going to New York to the walk of shame less. Please help us in twittering. We are the Team Frank and appreciate every help.
I will give you more inside as soon as I know more.
That will be fun to watch on TV and to follow on the internet.
Talk to you soon
German Perspective

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 minutes of exercise can change your body

I am brushing my teeth every night before I go to bed and after wards I take 5 minutes to do some push ups and abs. It works amazingly. I also read that you should do jumping jacks or anything which involves cardiovascular training. Doing that 5 minutes every night or morning (or any other time of the day) can change your health and the comfort of your body.
Is there anyone out there who has experienced the same or similar? Please share I would like to learn and read some more about it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Saure Bohnen "Sour Beans"

Allgauer Spatzle ( homemade noodles ) with sour bean sauce

6 people

For the Spaetzle (noodles)
2.5 cups flour
4 to 5 eggs
some milk or water
a little bit of salt
package of yeast

For the Sauce: 
2 cans green Beans or fresh ones 500gramm about 5 cups
1/ 4 cup of Butter
1/2 cup flour
1 onion
a little bit of chicken broth 
1 bound savory (Bohnenkraut)
2 Tablespoons vinegar (try it for the taste I sometimes like to use three)

How to make it: 
Cook the beans in salty water "al dente".
Melt the butter and mix it with some flour.Cut the onion in dices and mix it in the butter with flour pot. If it looks dark brown cool it down with the chicken broth (water and chicken broth/ how much suae you want to make indepence on the water)and constantly mix it with a whisk.
For the taste put some pepper, savory and the vinegar in.

How to serve: (SERVIEREN):
sour bean sauce with homemade noodles and a german sausage (Wienerle)with it!! (Hot dog works- to hold it cheaper)

Learning about Happiness

Has anyone of you ever thought about changing your lifestyle to be more happy.
I am reading a book right now by Rubin Gretchen which is called "The Happiness Project". Really interesting to read. She talks about her own life where she applies one year of commitments to be happy. 
It is quite amazing what you can accomplish in just being more happy and how others feel that.
Although it is not really easy to do. Some days put you down and some others are better.
It is quite a challenge. To have more time for your family and put your priority's just more around the people you love is hard if you are real busy with work and everything.
What do you think?
Has anyone tried it out or any experience?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meditation and Wine!!

The last couple weeks were really busy. Therefore, I try to escape and I really discovered the enjoyment of meditation. It is amazing how it releases all the problems at once. If I feel I get sick I meditate for it or if I need a escape it really gives me lots of energy and power back. Afterwards, I feel like I can establish anything. Amazing powerful tool. Try it. I also learned that having every day a glass of wine will extend your life expectancy and also a lower risk to heart diseases. Especially red wine!!! But don't save it all for the weekend it just workk for one to two glasses of wine each day. Doesn't that sound fun!!!